after a loooong period of stickin' that should entitle me to officially adopt the name elmer, i sampled a service that caught my attention a little while back.
market movers. basically, it's an online market, so while you're on the job you can make a market run... minus the run. just go to their website, select your market items from their bountiful list and they deliver the goods to your home or your office. all products guaranteed high quality and market fresh.

the delivery car pulled up without much ceremony, but spot on time. i placed my order on monday and selected the "Thursday PM" delivery option. by 1pm on thursday i was outside shooting this.

but don't worry, you don't have to stand up outside and pay for your goods. they're quite happy to bring your bags right inside for you.

oh yeah. the bag. a nice green re-useable bag. how it works is you take your goods home and keep the bag. when you order again, you bring the bag back and get your goods. it's more than just a green bag. it's a green mentality that can help preserve the earth... one bag at a time.

the goods though... nice. fresh, good quality and well packaged. they took advantage of all the little branding opportunities too. 10 points for marketing.

my bounty was great. and to think all i did was place an order and come to work. no stopping off after work or anything. the only sacrifice really was having my desk look and smell like a mini veggie stand. so what did i get? funny you should ask...

huge potatoes. a pound i think.

some hot peppers.

a bundle of seasoning. chive, thyme and shadon beni. now i mentioned before that my mother would have my head if i ever told her i bought shadon beni because she has that growing in
her yard like lawn grass. not to mention a host of other herbs. but the shadon beni here i would get away with. the leaves were about 13 inches long (measured against a MacBook. look, i was at the agency and the ruler was too far away ok?!)

how can you not get pimiento peppers right? goodish size. clean. fresh.

i got a callaloo pack for the first time. i always liked the concept, but never picked one up in the grocery. this one was bigger than what i usually see on the shelves though. everything prepared and packed into a ziplock bag with the appropriate branding.

callaloo bush cleaned and cut, ochro, pumpkin, hot pepper and garlic

they also had a provision pack. potato, eddoes, dasheen and cassava. everything peeled, cut and vaccum sealed. i see a serious soup in the near future.

pumpkin. again, nice and fresh.

must stock up on garlic and onion. i tend to buy too much of these and end up with some wastage. but i'm thinking, if it's this simple, i don't have to try that "let-me-buy-everything-one-time!" method. i could do the weekly thing. that's how veggies should be done anyway.

they also had some more "exotic" items, so i got some shitaki mushrooms to put into the mix.

it came up to $103. not bad i think. i'm going to do the comparison with the veggie stalls in aranguez, but from what i can remember, factoring in the delivery benefit (which i find is worth paying for) this market movers concept is bringing good value with convenience.
yeah david... allyuh doin a good job.
keep the market moving...
we go bubble.